What Black Dog REALLY Does!

Our agents spend a lot of time in courthouses, clerk’s offices and law firms all over the state of North Carolina. Almost on a daily basis, after announcing the reason for being at a specific place and going through the normal small talk, we will get asked the “…so what exactly does your company do?” question. Sometimes we go with the quick and concise elevator pitch answer and other times we delve deep into the intricacies and problems that we deal with as process servers and researchers.

But recently, we came upon the realization that for a long time we’ve been answering that question wrong. We were talking with a local business owner who pointed out to us that we were looking at things from the wrong side of the conversation. When people have asked us to explain what we do, we only think about how the things we do effect us, and not our clients.

Yes, we are process servers. Yes, we are researchers, document retrievers and legal couriers, and we are quick to point that out and explain what it means. But those are just words and titles. When looking at it from the other side, we realized that when it comes to our clients, what really matters is that we deliver. And i’m not talking about delivering legal documents (although we do deliver legal documents and for a very competitive rate as a matter of fact), I’m talking about the fact that we “deliver”.

The clients that we have built lasting relationships with and the ones who trust in the job that we do, utilize our services because they know that we deliver when called upon. Across state deliveries, last minute, early mornings, late nights, weekends… if it’s possible for us to get it done, we will. But we never blow smoke either. We will never take on jobs and make promises that we don’t intend to deliver on.

A vast majority of the time, when we take on a job, we succeed. Sometimes we fail. But when we fail, we keep open communication with our customers and explain to them exactly why it was that we didn’t succeed and what the current options are moving forward. Even in our failures, we try our best to create an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

We understand that you are very good at your job and like to make sure things get done a certain way. We know that you’ve worked hours… days… sometimes weeks and months on something for a case and that all of that work may hinge on correctly completing the task you’ve just put in our hands. That is the exact reason that we try to built open and trustworthy relationships with our clients.

So ask us “…what exactly we do?” and we will tell you. We deliver. When no one else can or no one else will, we deliver.

by D.S. Couron – Find me on

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