Pay Your Invoice

The Black Dog Agency provides easy options for payments online. To pay for new jobs upfront or to pay a current or past due invoice, click the Pay Now link below.

You will then be taken to a payment screen. Enter the amount you wish to pay under “Your Order Summary” and click Update. Once you’ve verified the amount entered is correct, you can select to pay via PayPal using an email address or by Credit Card. To pay by credit card, simply input your billing information and you will receive a confirmation receipt shortly.

If you are an existing customer and would like to pay your invoice online or if you are missing an invoice, Contact Us and we will send an email containing all the information you are requesting.

[bra_info_box style=”rectangle” color=”green” target=”_blank” title=”Credit Card Payments” desc=”Just click the Pay Now button and fill in the amount you wish to apply to your invoice or pay upfront ->” right_title=”Click Here to Pay Now” right_desc=”It’s Quick and Easy” right_url=””]

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